Sunday, October 3, 2010

Green PLastic

After I finished watching this video, I learned many things, one being that "Green PLastic has a bad and good impact on the world. Firstly, that Green Plastics are made out of corn, sugar canes, sugar beets and other materials. I also learned that PLA is very effective in producing materials such as diapers, socks etc. These plastics are "green" because they do not use any fossil fuels as raw materials to make plastic. They are also green because they can decompose on their own without even polluting the environment.
Green Plastics also has harmful aspects. I look at it as a cycle. To harvest these crops used for plastic, you need fertilizers which contribute to water pollution. Motor vehicles used for harvesting, transporting, planting etc release carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming. Factories used to produce plastics also need electricity which usually comes from fossil fuels.Many trees would also be cut down which would increase deforestation and less oxygen.

Some compounds I found were methane, water or H2O, lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

These two videos try to tell us what is going on in the world around us and give us interminable ways on how we could improve on its factors. They talk about polluting and the cycle of polluting. They also raise awareness on how the precious world should be treated.

In conclusion, i want to state that this video was really interesting and helped me understand more about the outside world.


  1. Great Job David!
    I agree with everything you said and I see that you put a lot of effort into this and you made it very well detailed. You did a great job like you always do, and you got connected to the video and you understood it.
    Great Job
    Alon 8A

  2. Great Job David!
    I really liked your reflection and how you compared all the videos we watched on this subject.
    Great Job!

    Simeon 8A
