Thursday, October 7, 2010

Major Chemical Spill in Hungary

On October 5, 2010 a major Eco disaster took place in Hungary, in the surrounding Budapest area, mostly impacting rural villages and towns. This disaster supposedly happened after a reservoir damn broke and an 2 meter high massive industrial wave flooded the areas and wiped away any materials in its way. This wave flooded many villages and left a number of streets and houses covered with red-sludge. Hundreds of helpless people were evacuated from villages from this terrible wave. This disaster has so far killed 4 people and injured a hundred others. This chemical wave is slowly spreading through surrounding countries including Serbia. There is also instant actions in how we can stop a terrible scene to happen. Some suggest dams while so suggest different types of ideas. In my opinion, safety measures are drastic because of this risky chemical combination. After all, this combination can potentially take away many lives and this is the fact that we are trying to cancel out. To conclude, this drastic chemical spill took place on October 5, 2010 in the surrounding villages of Budapest and has consisted of great attention. I certainly hope that drastic measures be held to prevent this spill from being a world wide issue.

In my opinion, I think this tragic event fits our topic of class in a couple of ways. Firstly, the chemical spill has a lot to do about chemicals and how they cope. This spill also represents the bad ways chemicals can influence our world. Secondly, this event can also combine with the upcoming essay about effects of harmful chemicals. I truly believe that this topic would be a perfect topic for elaborating on. Thirdly, this event elaborates more on compounds and safety measures that have to be taken when referred to chemicals. God knows when something like this could happen again, but much worse. Those are the times where we have to be ready, because as you have seen, chemicals can kill. To conclude, I personally think this video was very tragic but completed the necessary components of a chemical awareness video.

As I mentioned earlier, this video has much to do about chemical awareness, similar to the Blue Gold which is about water awareness. They both try to make the world a better place by taking action. The videos try to raise awareness about a certain topic that needs instant major attention.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Newly Discovered Planet May Be First Truly Habitable Exoplanet


A specialized team consisting of planet hunters led by the astronomers at the University of California and the Carnegie Institution of Washington have discovered an earth sized planet (three times the size of earth) orbiting a close by star. The discovered planet is in the middle of the planets "habitable zone" where H2O can exist on the planets surface. If authenticated, this planet can be the first potential planet that humans could actually survive on. To astronomers a habitable planet would be a planet that could actually sustain life, not necessarily a planet that could be lived on. These finding were based on the 11 years of observations at the observatory in Hawaii. Paul Butler of the Carnegie Institutions stated the following, "Our ability to find potentially habitable worlds is now limited only by our telescope time." This newly invention will yet be released in public also including many minor names that contributed to this miraculous discovery. It all started when two planets were found around the dwarf star Gliese 581. This improved the number to six orbiting planets which is the second largest system after ours. The most interesting planet, Gliese 581g is three times the mass of earth and as Vogt stated, enough gravity to hold down an atmosphere. This incredible planet is 20 light years away from earth and had practicably enough characteristics as earth. "We had planets on both sides of the habitable zone--one too hot and one too cold--and now we have one in the middle that's just right," Vogt said. This planet is also locked to the star meaning that the planet does not rotate, therefore, one side is always exposed to light and the other is always exposed to darkness. The planets temperatures range from -31 C - -12 C. In one side, its gets really hot while on the other it gets really chilling and cold. It was a really challenging job to find this incredible planet but the researchers are fascinated on how fast they found Gliese 581. Plus, according to the percentages, they have come to an conclusion that there are possibly billions of planets that have the same attributes. Once again, this planet was really special and many researchers and astronomers hope this planet can actually sustain life. This project was financed by NASA and the National Science Foundation.

In conclusion, there are many other planets to be discovered and finally some day, we hope we will be able to take the human civilization and transfer it to another planet.


In my opinion, this article was very useful for developing my knowledge and it made the memories from the astrology unit. Firstly, I learned how hard planet hunters work. They never accept breaks and try to discover planets for 24 hours. There hard work payed off with this event and now we possibly have a habitable planet. I also learned a lot about habitable planets and there aspects. Now I know what type of planet is a habitable one and how it becomes a habitable planet. As I said earlier, this project also brought back memories from the astronomy unit. I now know more about the atmosphere and gravity a planet holds and more about the core of the planet. This article mostly connects to the astronomy unit and I personally think it would help students understand planets a little bit better.

In conclusion, I want to state that this article really helped my mind develop and become stronger. I also hope this planet will become a new earth!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Green PLastic

After I finished watching this video, I learned many things, one being that "Green PLastic has a bad and good impact on the world. Firstly, that Green Plastics are made out of corn, sugar canes, sugar beets and other materials. I also learned that PLA is very effective in producing materials such as diapers, socks etc. These plastics are "green" because they do not use any fossil fuels as raw materials to make plastic. They are also green because they can decompose on their own without even polluting the environment.
Green Plastics also has harmful aspects. I look at it as a cycle. To harvest these crops used for plastic, you need fertilizers which contribute to water pollution. Motor vehicles used for harvesting, transporting, planting etc release carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming. Factories used to produce plastics also need electricity which usually comes from fossil fuels.Many trees would also be cut down which would increase deforestation and less oxygen.

Some compounds I found were methane, water or H2O, lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

These two videos try to tell us what is going on in the world around us and give us interminable ways on how we could improve on its factors. They talk about polluting and the cycle of polluting. They also raise awareness on how the precious world should be treated.

In conclusion, i want to state that this video was really interesting and helped me understand more about the outside world.