Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fireworks Reflection

After exploring this video, I have not only learned about fireworks, but about chemicals and how they combine.

1. How are fireworks capsules designed?

An firework is a very unique shape. It has an aerial car board outside, that is much like a raindrop. At the bottom, there is black powder propellant. In the powder, there is a fuse that finds its way to the center of the firework. This determines the characteristics of the firework and the ways of the explosion. When it comes to the black powder inside, the firework bursts. Along with the black powder, it is surrounded by green pellets on the outside that produce the effects and give off the amazing colors.

2. What safety procedures to they include in the design?

Most importantly, their is a delay fuse. This fuse needs an amount of time to reach the center of the firework and gives people time to run to safety just in case of an explosion. There are two main ways in which a fuse can be lit. Firstly, it can be lit with a fire manually, or electrically from a specific distance. The second main way for safety would be the mortar tube, the place where the firework is released from. Once you lit the fuse, you have enough time to go to safety and the mortar tube shoots the firework in the air, therefore it can not go wild.

3. What are the compounds mentioned in the video? Formulas?

Some compounds in the video might include the following; potassium nitrate (KNO3), strontium nitrate Sr(NO3)2, sodium silicate (Na2SiO3), strontium chloride (SrCl2), copper oxide (Cu2O) and a couple of extra others.

4. Which element is extremely important for fireworks to work properly? What is the fire triangle?

Oxygen is the key element that is important to fireworks. It is the oxidizer, which is necessary to make a fire. Without it, fireworks would not manufacture. The fire triangle basically demonstrates the basic factors of a firework. It shows the three major factors that are needed within a firework. A combustion triangle (another name), basically demonstrates that fuel, heat and an oxidizing agent are a necessary for a firework to work. After all, it demonstrates a fireworks ingredients.

5. What two components do fireworks need in order to produce heat at a certain burning rate?

The two main factors to produce heat at a certain burning rate is an oxidizer and fuel. Without these, there is no reaction. These aspects include potassium perchlorate, potassium nitrate and strontium nitrate. Some of the fuels include sulfur, charcoal, magnesium powder and aluminum powder. As you all may have surmised, the fuel reacts with the oxidizer, in this case oxygen, to create the heat needed. When you differ the fuel, you will get different rates and burning varies. This another example in which the fire triangle comes in handy because it demonstrates the different ingredients necessary for the full reaction.

6. What type of reaction takes place in fireworks?

For every reaction, an chemical reaction occurs. Here is why. In order to include a specific and unique color into the firework, a burning mixture is necessary, which is supplied by the oxidizer and fuel. After this has occurred you can include various colors for effects.

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